
  • Active WPI Account
  • Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) configured
  • Proper date, time, and timezone set on device


  1. Connect to the WPI-Open wireless network
  2. Open Firefox and navigate to
  3. Select Setup My WPI Wifi
  4. Select JoinNow where the OS is Linux
  5. Go to Files on your machine and open your Downloads folder
  6. Right-click on the empty space in the Downloads Folder and select Open in Terminal 
  7. Type sh and click Enter
  8. Click Enter at the following terminal prompt: When you have successfully signed0in, the application will continue. Next/Cancel? [Next]
  9. Enter your WPI email and Password in the browser

You will be brought back to the SecureW2 application in the terminal window and your machine will connect to the WPI-Wireless network. ITS recommends validating your machine automatically connects to the WPI-Wireless network.

The SecureW2 Terminal window should look as follows:

HOSTNAME:~/Downloads$ sh
Verification successful
No or invalid cloud reporting configuration

We are now launching a separate dialog to continue sign-in at your account provider website.

When you have successfully signed-in, the application will continue.
Next/Cancel? [Next]   

Generating Key...
Enrolling Certificate...


Configuration succeeded. Configured Network is however not in range.

Click on the wireless tray icon to validate if your network is available. If you are seeing intermittent issues or low signal strength please move your device to re-establish a better connection and retry.

Trust WPI Certificate Authority

Some versions of some Linux/Raspian distributions will not trust the WPI Certificate Authority even though you have specifically told it do with SecureW2 or the Network Manager UI.  In these cases, you will need to run the following command from a terminal window.  We are assuming that the CA Certifcate File is in /etc/pki/tls/certs and is named CA-WPINetOps.cer:

sudo trust anchor /etc/pki/tls/certs/CA-WPINetOps.cer